President Ministries Inc.

Whole people manage purpose, while fractured people manage pain!

At President Ministries Inc., we are passionate about God’s people walking in victory and no longer walking in brokenness. God wants us to be whole and free from bondage and life oppression.

We believe anyone can have a displeasing, discouraging encounter; harvest pain, yet God teaches people how to resist the spirit behind these tragedies. He releases them from bondage to still have joy, undefeated victory, and continue towards their purpose.

President Ministries Inc. is a deliverance ministry that spiritually encourages and strengthen people:

  • To be released from drug and alcohol abuse.

  • We minister to generational and emotional bondage.

  • Assist with people previously incarcerated.

Emerging Influence

“Emerging Influence” was birthed from a place of intense obligation. The media allowed America to look at the negative or meager impact of prominent leaders within the United States and abroad, and Bishop Rosalind President realized we all were at risk for negatively or inadequately leading others astray without continuous renewed training and development. Bishop also realized that being a leader doesn’t end when a person acquires a new position. Therefore, she desired to organize a reformed leadership influence, adequately defined as a leader improving how they lead and impact others.

Mission and Vision: To Impact and develop emerging professional and spiritual leaders through mentorship, education, curriculum training, and more while creating a positive and significant influence in the lives of various supporters.  

(Our Motto) “Leadership is a continuous development to stimulate and improve influence.”


And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19

Therefore, we have a mandate to make a clarion call to the nation to PRAY!

YAD – Youth Ministry (Youth Anointed to Dispatch)

Youth Anointed to Dispatch (YADS) are the youth of SFFA. They are on a mission to lead in their communities by being a presence of divine love, serving in hospitality while advocating against crime, drugs, and lawlessness. YAD's stay alert to fight the temptations that recklessly pull them from the spiritual authority Christ has given to the church.


Living Sober, Recovered, and Free! Through the support of This Ministry, Community resources, and donations we strive to be active in substance recovery, while spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We aim to reach the Nation by visiting different cities to teach and spread awareness about addictions. This organization will, provide community resources for treatment, and Counseling, while encouraging Spiritual awareness through Bible study, Open discussions, and hosting Conferences/Events to celebrate sobriety and goal achievements. 


Revival is a time for spiritual , emotional and physical change. We feed more than the Spirit, we provide clothes, and resources to wellness as we minister to the Spirit “ARISE” and take your place!

  • Wednesday Leadership Training at 7 PM EST

    We believe in impacting and developing emerging professional and spiritual leaders through mentorship, education, curriculums, and more while creating a positive and significant influence when reforming leadership.

  • Sunday Service at 1:30 PM EST

    Sure Foundation Faith Assembly is recorded on various social platforms. Join us on Facebook and Instagram!